15th year...Celebrating a decade and more!

What Is

Culture Days?

Culture Days is a national collaborative movement to raise the awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of Canadians in the arts, heritage and cultural life of their communities.

The 15th annual Culture Days celebration will take place from September 20 to October 13, 2024!

Culture Days National since 2010

Over 25+ million people attended a Culture Days event nationally.

5,000+ communities across Canada have organized a Culture Days event or activity.

Over 50,000 free arts and culture events hosted by over 16,000 organizers throughout Canada.

Culture Days Saskatchewan has been a part of the national celebration since its launch in 2010.

Activities and COMMUNITIES

There has been a steady increase in the number of Culture Days Saskatchewan’s activities registered, from 130 activities registered in the first year to over 300 in 2023.

Culture Days SK Milestones

Year 1

The first year engaged over 7,000 participants in 12 communities.

Year 5

Gaining momentum, Culture Days engaged over 26,000 in 50 communities.

Year 10

During the pandemic, engagement continued thanks to virtual experiences. Over 34,000 attended a total of 350 registered activities.


Participation surpasses all expectations with over 100,0000 attending in person or online activities in 45 communities.


Plans are underway for another successful year.

Public attendance During Culture Days SK

Since 2010, Culture Days SK participation has increased. In 2023, over 100,000 participated in a Culture Days event or activity, either online or in person.

Impact of attending Culture Days SK

Attendees say they have increased...


pride and/or care for the community where they live


likelihood to seek out arts and culture events near them.


appreciation for

arts and culture


overall sense of wellbeing

desire to be creative as a pastime or hobby



desire to contribute to Truth and Reconciliation

Since 2010, Culture Days SK has engaged over


paid artists and cultural leaders to deliver arts, heritage and/or cultural experiences to communities in Saskatchewan.

Our progress in numbers since 2010


Communities Involved

(new and Returning)





Culture Days Hub Sponsorship

Since 2020, SaskCulture has offered the Culture Days Hub Sponsorship, providing funding support to hub communities throughout Saskatchewan.

Over 80 hubs have been supported since it began, with a total of $289,791.00 of funding from Sask Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation.

In 2022, Culture Days encouraged community hubs to advance Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day. Since this time, 34 communities have hosted Reconciliation activities as part of their Culture Days events.

Culture Days Hub in Saskatchewan

since 2020

In 2022, SaskCulture prioritized applications with activities and programming that advance Truth and Reconciliation as part of September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR).

Note: Since the national celebration was launched, Culture Days observed the NDTR nationwide for the first time on September 30, 2022, following a recommendation from SaskCulture.

Total CDHS granted since 2020


Highlights today

Filled In Integrity Icon

Community Collaboration

Communities in SK are incorporating National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR) initiatives into their Culture Days, collaborating with Indigenous communities, Elders, and artists etc.

In 2022, 14 out of 24 supported hubs planned NDTR commemorations. By 2023, support extended to 31 hubs, with 20 organizing Reconciliation events.

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Accessible & Inclusive

The focus on free, accessible programming has fostered inclusivity in Culture Days, inviting people of diverse backgrounds and abilities to participate in Culture Days

In 2023, Culture Days National introduced marketing tools in over 15 languages, reflecting its commitment to inclusivity. At Saskatchewan's events, approximately 13 languages were spoken, with Cree (5%), French (3%), and Spanish (2%) being the most prominent after English.

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Digital Innovation

Virtual events and online programming have enabled broader participation, reaching new audiences online.

Since the pandemic, Culture Days Saskatchewan has seen an increase in participation, with approximately 94% of registered events and activities taking place in person and 6% delivered online.

Top Events tag in 2023


History & Heritage


Visual Arts









Others: performance at 16%, fiber & textile arts at 15%, and music at 13%

Contact us

Busayo Osobade

Communications Consultant





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